Vision for Africa
Vision for Africa is a coalition of 30+ LCMS congregations striving to build strategic partnerships for the sake of the Gospel. Teams travel to Kenya and work with Kenyan pastors, community health care workers and local volunteers to share the love of Jesus. The earliest Christians lived radically “questionable” lives, eating, drinking, serving and building community with even the outcasts of society. When we realize all people are created in God’s image, and we too have been shown undeserved grace, there is no ONE in the world we shouldn’t love as a neighbor. We boldly step out of our comfort zones to demonstrate and proclaim His message of hope and grace by serving around the world. Not just limited to eye care, Vision for Africa teams help lower the rate of malaria infections by distributing bed nets in addition to hosting vision clinics plus providing sanitary pads to Kenyan girls so they can remain in school during monthly periods.
St. Timothy’s first Kenyan mission trip was in 2007, and since then has sent volunteers every year to help evangelize while also tending to medical needs of the locals. Vision for Africa sends Vision and Malaria Net teams to churches and villages in Kenya annually, and St. Timothy members are invited to be part of these teams. No prior experience is needed. The one-week clinics and net teams sometimes see over 1,000 people in one day. The current program travels to Isebania and Migori in SW Kenya at the end of the Texas school year where a single location conducts a clinic capable of prescribing and making corrective glasses. Local eye surgeons are retained so onsite cataract surgeries can be performed, and local eye doctors diagnose and treat eye diseases and eye injuries. Net teams travel to villages to install nets in homes
and distribute sanitary pads where needed.
and distribute sanitary pads where needed.
How can you get involved?
Ask God for great success for the building of God’s Kingdom through this work, and pray for more American volunteers for these teams. Pray for local Kenyan volunteers to assist our American teams, and ask God to move in the hearts of Kenyan governments to allow this work to continue in their country peacefully. Pray for the safety of all volunteers during travel and during their mission work.
Go: The next Vision for Africa Mission will be May 25, 2020 – June 5, 2020
- Adults and Seniors physically able for this work are welcome as volunteers
- Students in 7th – 12th grades can be part of the teams with special conditions
- If you don’t have the skills, you will be trained
Jesus calls us to teach and demonstrate “love your Neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22: 27) and
“go make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19).
This is the main focus of Vision for Africa while building relationships with the men,
women and children of Kenya.
For more info, contact Chris Bregenzer at