Candidate Bio: Pastor Brad Jurischk
Pastor Brad Jurischk was born in Houston on December 29, 1978. He was raised in Spring, Texas where he and his family attended Trinity Lutheran Church in Klein, Texas. After high school Brad attended Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska where he received his degree in Theology. Pastor Jurischk became a Director of Christian Education (DCE) with a focus in youth ministry. Upon graduating from college in 2002, Brad served at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Raymore, Missouri as their DCE. His primary focus was in youth and children’s ministry but he also worked with adult education, senior ministry, and with special needs ministry.
In 2007, Brad took a call to serve as Director of Student Ministry at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas. Brad served in that position until 2012 when he began attending Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri as part of the SMP (Specific Ministry Pastor) program. While attending Concordia Seminary, Brad served as Vicar of Youth and Family Ministry at St. Timothy until 2014 when he was ordained as a pastor and began serving as Pastor of Youth and Family Ministry. After completing the SMP program in 2016, Brad continued his education through Concordia Seminary in St. Louis to complete the GPC (General Pastor) program. Brad finished in 2020 and continues to serve as the Pastor of Youth and Family Ministry at St. Timothy today.
Brad married his wife Kim in 2003. Kim has served as the director of Bright Beginners Preschool and Infant Care since 2008. They have three children, Noah (15), Leah (14), and Levi (11).
candidate Bio: Pastor Lonnie Gonzales
Pastor Lonnie Gonzales is a native Houstonian. He grew up in the 1st Ward with his father, the Reverend Jesus Gonzales and mother, Becky Gonzales. Their sacrifices afforded Lonnie the opportunity to graduate from Trinity-Messiah Lutheran School in 1987 and Lutheran High North in 1991. During these formative years he enjoyed the benefits of a Lutheran Education and developed a deep love of learning.
Pastor Gonzales graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Mexican-American Studies from Concordia University – Texas, Austin, Texas, in 1995. He earned his Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 2000.
Pastor Gonzales was ordained at Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, Sugar Land, TX, as Associate Pastor for Family Ministry. He served there four and a half years. He then served at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, a 3000+ member congregation for thirteen years as the Associate Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries. During his tenure, he directed two additional departments Small Group & Care Ministries and Discipleship & New Member Assimilation. Also, he assisted in two Senior Pastor transition processes. Currently, he serves as the Houston City Director for LINC Ministries of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) for the past 4 years. He loves insuring “No Leader Walks Alone” among underestimated and overlooked immigrant communities. During his time at LINC, he has provided supervision of over 15 ministries locally and internationally as an advisor, coach, and discipler. Pastor Gonzales brings more than 20 years of experience in pastoral ministry, organizational leadership, and program direction.
In addition, Pastor Gonzales recently retired from the United States Army Reserves after serving 8 years as a Military Chaplain. His brief military career took him to Kuwait, Qatar, and Iraq in support of the combat operation “Enduring Freedom.” He deployed in 2015-16 as the Deputy Chaplain of the 4th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary). His Command was responsible for providing logistical support for the all of the Central Command region from Egypt to Afghanistan serving over 5000 Soldiers. Bringing Soldiers to God and God to Soldiers gave him great joy.
Pastor Gonzales is passionate about preaching, developing leaders, disciple making, and starting new ministries. His current favorite quote is from LT. General Luckey of the Army Reserves, “We are fortunate to be a people who have a Mission and a Team.” His favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” His personal hobbies are walking with Joy, his wife of 28 years, taking Joy on dates, cooking, playing golf, and fishing.
Call Committee Update – September 27, 2021
- The Call Committee has narrowed the field of candidates and has scheduled in person interviews and meetings with Board and congregation.
- Pastor Lonnie Gonzales and Pastor Brad Jurischk are scheduled for interviews after church as shown above.
Call Committee Update – August 20, 2021
- The Call Committee has reviewed all material sent from the District on candidates for Sr. Pastor and narrowed the field to six
- After contacting the six candidates, one removed their name from consideration leaving five that were interviewed either in person or via zoom
- The committee is now taking time to prayerfully consider the next step in narrowing the candidates down to 2 -3 for in person interviews, congregational Q&A and meetings with the Board of Elders and Board of Directors.
- Once dates are set, the congregation will be informed
Call Committee Update – July 30, 2021
- The Call Committee Packet was sent into the LCMS TX District Office that included a variety of congregational materials, surveys, demographics, and Nominations from our membership.
- Though the TX District’s response had been delayed because of the Annual Convention, they have now reviewed our nominations for interest in call, length of service in
current call, proximity to St. Timothy, etc. The District President has also recommended
several more candidates for our consideration. - A few days ago, the District Office sent their complete packet of Pastor’s Information Forms and Self Evaluation Tools to the Call Committee. (In answer to recent questions by a few of our members, please know that Pastor Brad’s materials are included in this list. He will be fully considered as a serious candidate, along with the others nominated that have gone through this vetting process.)
- The Call Committee has prayerfully reviewed these packets and has set up Zoom or
in-person interviews with several of the candidates. After the field of candidates is
narrowed, additional meetings/interviews will be set up that will also involve staff, lay
leaders, and members of the congregation.
Please pray with us as the Lord leads us throughout this important and exciting process.
Senior Pastor Call Committee Update – July 15, 2021
- Call Committee Packet was sent into the LCMS TX District Office that included a variety of congregational materials, surveys, demographics, and eleven nominations from our membership.
- The District Office is reviewing our nominations for interest in call, length of service, previous experience, etc., and will add a few more recommendations for our consideration. TX District’s response is delayed because of Annual District Convention, vacations, and federal holiday. They will send their complete packet of Pastor
Nomination Forms and Self Evaluations, probably by the end of July or early August. - The Pastor Call Committee will prayerfully begin reviewing these packets for personal interviews by mid to late August. In-person interviews will follow and will include the committee, staff, lay leaders, and the congregation in the fall.
- Please pray with us as the Lord leads us throughout this important and exciting process.
Sr. Pastor Nominations – now closed
Pastoral Profile Survey
Thank you to everyone who completed the Pastoral Profile Survey. The Texas District receives the surveys and will put together a report for the Call Committee that will be presented to Call Committee at the end of April. This was an important first step and we are grateful for your participation.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
- Praying and Fasting: Let us humbly open our hearts and minds with prayer and fasting, asking the LORD to give us all a spirit of hopeful anticipation and discernment. Prayerfully consider the direction of our church’s mission and ministry, and the potential characteristics of a new pastor who will help shepherd the flock into a new season of ministry.
- Providing Input:
- Staying Informed: This is a time of change you may have questions. Ask! You have found our page devoted to the Call Process and our effort to keep everyone informed. Please be sure to check out the Sunday bulletin and emails for further information as it is available. Or CLICK HERE to submit a question that you may still have after looking through this website.