Local Mission: CareNet Pregnancy Centers
CareNet Pregnancy Center demonstrates the love of Christ to those facing a crisis pregnancy through the provision of spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational support at no cost to the client, and by sharing the Gospel message. CareNet is committed to upholding the truth that God creates human life in His image at conception.
Life is precious. Yet in the Greater Houston area alone, more than 22,000 lives are lost to abortion every year. Care Net Pregnancy Center works to change that by providing free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, offering a listening ear and other services.
These programs enrich clients’ lives, save babies, and provide opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Help bring the love of Jesus Christ to women and men in our community.  When a woman considering abortion comes to Care Net for help, you could be the first reflection of Christ she sees.  In Care Net’s 27 years of ministry, they have served over 27,000 women and their families at two centers–one in the FM 1960/Champions area and the other on Queenston Blvd. near Barker-Cypress and U.S. 290. 
Care Net Pregnancy Center is in need of Care Staff Volunteers. Women who can commit to at least 2 hours a week to meet
one-on-one with young women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy to provide information and support. 
(Care Net provides all the required training.)
Care Net is also always in need of Medical Volunteers. 
  • Nurses to perform pregnancy tests and provide Proof of                     Pregnancy documentation 
  • Ultrasound Technicians to show life through ultrasound images.       (Ultrasound training can be provided.) 
Care Net needs volunteers to meet many ministry needs: prayer team partners, clerical assistance and sorting of donations, just to name a few.  Or attend a monthly Saturday Work Day to perform a variety of tasks where the facility is cleaned, organized, painted, etc. that helps keep Care Net running smoothly.  
Don’t have time to volunteer? Ongoing collection needs include:
  • New baby stuff – food, formula, toiletries, diapers, clothing etc.
  • Spa gifts for “Mommy bags” given to pregnant clients at their              initial visit
  • Lightly used maternity and baby items (clothing up to 4T) 
For more information about volunteering at
CareNet Pregnancy Center, email St. Timothy
member Yasmine Miller at YasmineMiller@gmail.com.